First test of Pinguino32 with Android is done. We incorporated in Pinguino32X the IOIO ADB library and everything is working fine. My son, Thomas presents here my first Android/Pinguino application ( as usual I drive Led !! )
As most of Android devices are not yet upgraded with Android 2.3.4, we decided to use ADB protocol wich is compatible with Android 1.6 and higher. As usual in Pinguino IDE, you need only 3 instructions to establish a link with an Android device. We are currently working on the release of the Pinguino IDE. It will incorporate Zigbee, ADB and our current job is to incorporate USB Host to connect mouse, keyboard and generally all useful USB devices.
I am very proud of my first Andoid application, even is this one is not optimised as it should be !!
Many thanks to the IOIO project and Ytai Ben-Tsvi, his owner. Most of the job shown here couldn't be done without the IOIO code.
Nice presentation Thomas, thanks!
Bonjour monsieur Mandon,
Je suis étudiant du doctorad en Alemagne, je fait mon doctorad en éléctronique.
Je voudrais savoir, s'il y a la posibilité de envoiyer data du usb port á pinguino 32 et que le pinguino peux lire la data du port et fair son travaill.
La question puntuel, c'est si c'est posible de controller Pinguino 32 avec processing comme le pinguino 18f2550, et comment le faire.
Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse.
Juan Pablo
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