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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

PIC32-PINGUINO is here !!

Hi guys,

I just received the new Pinguino 32 bits board !! This board will be the main support board for Pinguino32X development.... Designed and Built by OLIMEX for the Pinguino community. It have a lot of interesting possibilities:
- PIC 32MX440F256H at 80 Mhz,
- RTC already on board ( crystal + capacitor ),
- LIPO charger,
- wide power supply ( 9-30 VDC ),
- noise free,
- UEXT connector,
- shield compatible......
And a lot of other great features..

We are working hard to publish the next release of Pinguino IDE soon.
The Changelog is now a book !!
A team is working on 8 bits improvements, another on 32 bits boards and GCC. The powerful of this 32 bits system should be soon available as easy as development is for 8 bits systems.
Thanks again to all the contributors, developers, users.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pinguino/Processing from Thailand !!

Niti from Thailand send us this video to show use of Pinguino with Processing.
We could hope Niti will publish the code to help Processing users to incorporate Pinguino in their application.

Driving a 7 segment display

More poetic with an RGB led !!

Thanks for this great application Niti...

Pinguino32X minimum board


Marcus build his own Pinguino 32 bits board with a 32MX795F512L

We are working hard to release the Pinguino IDE with support of 32 bits. It will be a mini board with maxi power !!
We should have good news for you soon :-)

More info on Marcus website