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Friday, February 27, 2009

Pinguino with CodeBlocks............

Pinguino can be used with CodeBlocks. To do this, you need to install SDCC and GPUTILS. CodeBlocks recognize if SDCC is installed.
First you must download the CodeBlocks model for Pinguino.
Then you have to configure CodeBlocks to work with SDCC.

Create a new empty project in the same folder than the CodeBlocks model,
Go to the Settings menu/Compiler and debugger and choose SDCC in the Selected compiler panel,
Click the compiler settings tab and Compiler flags tab and select:
  • Be verbose
  • [CPU] PIC 16 bits
  • ouput intel hex
Select the Other Options panel and type:
  • --optimize-goto --denable-peeps --obanksel=9 --opt-code-size --optimize-cmp --optimize-df
Then all the general settings for the compiler are OK. You must now configure the specific options for Pinguino.
Select the Project/Build Options menu,
Click on the Compiler Settings tab and Other Options tab,
type -p18f2550 in the field.
Click now on the Linker Settings panel.
In the Other Linker Options field, type:
--no-crt -Wl-s18f2550.lkr,-m
In the Link Libraries field, click on add and select this files:
libpuf.lib wich is in the project folder,
libc18f.lib wich is in the /usr/share/sdcc/lib/pic16 folder ( Linux )
wich is in the /usr/share/sdcc/lib/pic16 folder ( Linux )

Now you can click on the Build button and an hex file should be generated.
All the code must be written in the application_main() in main.c

To upload the code to the PIC, you can use the Python downloader wich can be downloaded here.

I hope to propose some models of applications.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pinguino group on Google

This group was created to develop Pinguino and it wil be a space where questions can be posed. Hope it will be useful for you.

Google Groupes

Visit this group

Pinguino PCB with Inkscape

It seems that there is some problems to draw the PCB. An inkscape picture can be downloaded on hackinglab website.
This picture is scaled and can be used to build the PCB.

this is the link to the SVG file

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pinguino/LA FONERA serial interface

La fonera work with a 3,3V power supply. This assembly converts levels from 3,3V to 5V for Pinguino and from 5V to 3,3V for LA FONERA. The Fonera serial connector is inside the box, on the right side.
Be careful, this Pinout is only for FONERA 2100.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pinguino with LA FONERA

we worked Friday with Benoit espinola on the link beetween LA FONERA and Pinguino. It Works !!
The FONERA was flashed with openwrt 7.09 and the ser2net package was installed. A small interface was build to convert 3,3V signal from the ttyS0 to 5V for the PIC UART.
The last step is to link a FONERA 2 with Pinguino but it seems that i must write a driver for USB.
Benoit Espinola wrote a small processing sketch to test the link:

boolean onoff;

Client c;
String data;

void setup() {
size(200, 200);
onoff = true;
c = new Client(this, "", 2001); // Connect to FONERA on port 2001
c.write("W01"); // write W output (0) state of the output (1)
// this is the protocol we defined in the pinguino program

void draw() {
if (c.available() > 0) { // If there's incoming data from the client...
data = c.readString(); // ...then grab it and print it

// press the mouse change the state of the output

void mousePressed(){
onoff = !onoff;
c.write("W0" + int(onoff));

// the led is darked when program stop

void stop(){

Nice job Benoit !!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pinguino at the MediaLab Madrid

The last week end, Pinguino was presented for Interactivos'09 in Madrid.
It was the first public presentation of this project. I make a point of thanking all the staff and participants. There was a lot of interesting project. It was the first time i saw a RepRap in construction.
I hope to return to the medialab soon !!

Pinguino in Linux Magazine ( France )

Pinguino is described in the february issue of Linux Magazine.